Un progetto del Centro Einaudi
dedicato allo sviluppo
e al futuro delle città

Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award - past

30 Marzo 2020

8th Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award

The Centro Einaudi with the support of Fondazione CRT launches the 8th Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award. Young researchers are invited to submit papers on the subject: Digital transformation: analysis of economic impact and potential.
New deadline: April 5, 2020. The selected papers will be announced by April 20.


26 Settembre 2019

7th Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award. The Conference

The winners of the 7th Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award presented their work on May 6th 2019 (Program)

They are:

Federico Fantechi, PhD Student at GSSI-Gran Sasso Science Institute department of Urban Studies and Regional Science: Spatial dynamics of community disaster resilience in rural areas. Evidences from Central Italy after the 1997 earthquake;

Georgios Manalis, European University Institute,Department of Economics: Land rights and risk-sharing in rural West Africa;

Stefano Menegat, Ph.D. Candidate-Department of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University (Montreal): Alternative Food Networks: Growing Nichesor Paradigm Shift? Exploring the Case of U.S.Farmers’ Markets Througha System Dynamics Approach.

The award-winning papers have been published by the Centro Einaudi in an ISBN e-book “Quaderni del Premio Giorgio Rota”.

08 Gennaio 2019

7th Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award

The Centro Einaudi with the support of Fondazione CRT launches the 7th Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award. Young researchers are invited to submit papers on the subject: Rural economies, evolutionary dynamics and new paradigms. New deadline: March 29, 2019. The selected papers will be announced by April 29.


27 Aprile 2018

6th Edition / The selected works

The winners of the 6th annual «Giorgio Rota» Best Paper Award 2018 have been appointed.

They are:

Gabriel A. Facchini Palma, Visiting Professor Dept of Applied Economics Universidad autonoma de Barcelona, who wins a prize of 1.500 euros (gross) with the paper: Low Staffing in the Maternity Ward: Keep Calm and Call the Surgeon

Valentina Tonei, British Academy Post-Doc Research Associate, Dept. of Economics and related Studies, University of York, who wins a prize of 1.500 euros (gross) with the paper: Mother's health after childbirth: does delivery method matter?

Gianni Ghetti, Junior Researcher & Modelist at AdRes HE&OR, Center for Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomic Research, who wins a prize of 1.500 euros (gross) with the paper: Model for the Estimation of Societal Costs for Pertussis in Italy

The winners  will present their work at the Giorgio Rota Conference that will be organised in May 2018  in Turin. The workshop date and programme will be soon published on the Centro Einaudi website (www.centroeinaudi.it).

Participation to the conference is mandatory in order to be awarded the prize. The Centro Einaudi will also refund travel expenses to Turin.

The award-winning papers will be published by the Centro Einaudi in an ISBN e-book Quaderni del Premio Giorgio Rota”.

For further information, please contact applications-GR@centroeinaudi.it


09 Gennaio 2018

6th Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award

The Centro Einaudi with the support of Fondazione CRT launches the 6th Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award. Young researchers are invited to submit papers - by March 23rd, 2018 - on the subject: The Economics of Health and Medical Care.




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