20 Gennaio 2014
2nd Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award 2013/The selected works
The winners of the 2nd annual «Giorgio Rota» Best Paper Award 2013 have been appointed.
They are:
Fania Valeria Michelucci - DIGEP - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale e della Produzione, Politecnico di Torino: New media, financial resources and funding opportunities for creative entrepreneurs, who wins a prize of 1.000 Euros;
Alessandro Gandini – dottorando in Sociologia presso l'Università degli Studi di Milano – Graduate School in Social and Political Sciences, Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche: Social media e lavoro autonomo. Precarietà, lavoro gratuito, innovazione and Giovanna Santanera - dottoranda (Università degli Studi di Milano "Bicocca", Dipartimento di Scienze Umane per la Formazione R. Massa --EHESS, Centre d'Etudes Africaines, Parigi): Afro-modernità in polvere: esperienze video da Lagos a Douala; who win a prize of 500 Euros each.
The winners will present their work at the Giorgio Rota Conference that will be organised at the end of March 2014 in Turin. The workshop date and programme will be soon published on the Centro Einaudi website (www.centroeinaudi.it).
Participation to the conference is mandatory in order to be awarded the prize. The Centro Einaudi will also refund travel expenses to Turin.
The award-winning papers will be published by the Centro Einaudi in an ISBN e-book "Quaderni del Premio Giorgio Rota".
For further information, please contact applications-GR@centroeinaudi.it
05 Novembre 2013
2nd Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award 2013
The 2nd Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award 2013 closed on November, 4th
17 Maggio 2013
2nd Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award 2013 / Call
The Centro Einaudi launches the 2nd annual Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award.
01 Marzo 2013
1st Giorgio Rota Conference 2013 - Torino, March 25
The winners of the 1st annual «Giorgio Rota» Best Paper Award 2012 have been appointed.
Leggi tutto...
12 Giugno 2012
1st annual Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award 2012
The Centro Einaudi launches the 1st annual GIORGIO ROTA Best Paper Award.
Leggi tutto...